
The need to dam a highly productive river is yet to be proven...


Williams Valley

A great place to live


Williams River at Tillegra

Vital to our community


Williams Valley

Area to be inundated if the dam goes ahead...


Williams Valley

Prime agricultural land



A tradition on this productive land...

dairy cows


A living community...

Community Involvement

River water

Vital for biodiversity


Williams River



Riverine forest

A rich ecosystem vital for biodiversity


A special environment...

Could you vote for a party that would destroy this?


Tillegra Bridge

A dead end road? We think not!


No Way!

The need to dam a highly productive river is yet to be proven...

No Way!

Walk for the Williams

Mar 7th, 2010 by admin | 0

river image

Join us on our Walk for the Williams – an initiative by the Save the Williams River Coalition.

Sunday 14 March 2010 is the International Day of Action for Rivers. On this day, concerned residents of the Hunter will begin the Walk for the Williams. Over the following week, supporters will walk the length of the Williams River, from close to the source, to where it meets the sea at Nobbys Head to deliver this message:

“This is the magnificent Williams Valley, one of the Hunter’s many assets, fed by the Williams River. We value these natural assets which support farming, fishing, a natural freshwater ecosystem, biodiversity and people. Don’t damn them with a dam that nobody needs or wants”.

Hunter politicians of all persuasions have been invited to join the walk. Ms Jodi McKay MP, Minister for the Hunter, Ms Robin Parker, Liberal MLC and Dr. John Kaye, Greens MLC have been invited to speak about the  proposed Tillegra Dam at a community picnic 12pm Saturday 20 March, 2010. Guest speakers will be joined by Mr Brad Warren, Ocean Watch Australia at this event, Newcastle Foreshore Park, Wharf Rd, Newcastle.

The walk begins near the source of the Williams River Sunday 14 March at Brownmore, just north of Dungog and finishes where the river meets the sea on Saturday 20 March, Newcastle. Each day we will be walking 10-13 kms, starting at 2pm and finishing at 6pm for a barbeque dinner. As we will be walking in relay, you can simply join in for as long or as short a distance as you wish, on any day. Watch this space for updates and photos & stories of what is happening each day.

Date Start Finish
Sunday March 14 8:30am Brownmore 12 noon Lunch at Tillegra Bridge
International day of Action for Rivers
Monday March 15 2pm Bendolba
764 Chichester Dam Rd
6pm BBQ at Dungog
“Hollywood Hill”
Tuesday March 16 2pm Dungog 6pm BBQ at Brookfield
Wednesday March 17 2pm Brookfield
“Oakey Creek”
4038 Clarence Town Rd
6pm Dinner at Clarence Town Bowling Club
Thursday March 18 2pm Clarence Town (via New Line Rd) 6pm BBQ at Seaham Park
March 19
2pm Seaham 6pm BBQ at Riverside Park
Saturday March 20 Leaving early from Raymond Terrace Steve Posselt will paddle down the Hunter River by kayak to Nobby’s Head. He will be joined by prawn trawlers and other boats. 12pm: Picnic gathering for supporters with guest speakers at ‘Railway Carriage Shed’ Newcastle’s Foreshore Park, Wharf Rd Newcastle

On Saturday March 20th, NSW politicians attending the picnic will be given letters from our supporters to deliver to NSW Premier Kristina Keneally.


For further information please contact Sally Corbett, 0403 892 093 or Justin McKee, 02 4929 4395.

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