Tillegra is a National Issue
The Wilderness Society has criticised both Labor and the Coalition for failing to present clear, positive policies to protect our environment. The Wilderness Society has released its Federal Environment Policy Priorities for 2010 and identifies the massive threats to the Williams River posed by Tillegra Dam, as a matter of national significance.
The proposed Tillegra Dam is one of a number of critical environmental policy areas requiring a response by all the main parties in this Election. The Wilderness Society will conduct a full assessment of the environmental policies and performance of the all the parties ahead of election day.
“A clear policy commitment in the lead up to the August 21 election is crucial for the protection of the Williams River” says Justin McKee, Campaigner for The Wilderness Society Newcastle.
The Williams River and its banks are essential habitats for native species like fish, trees and platypus. It feeds the RAMSAR listed Hunter Estuary Wetlands where birds come from all over the world to breed and feed.
The Wilderness Society calls for the major parties to:
· Publicly acknowledge the serious environmental concerns associated with the proposed Tillegra Dam, including the most recent evidence provided by Professor Richard Kingsford regarding the serious impacts on nearby RAMSAR listed wetlands. Commit to a full and rigorous assessment process, which includes all the information available.
· Rule out any Federal facilitation of the dam, including funding.
“Our message to Hunter residents is ‘this is your environment, your future, and your vote’. It’s important we all know where the main parties stand on the big conservation priorities, so we know what we’re voting for on the 21st August,” concluded Mr McKee.
The Wilderness Society is hosting a community forum ‘Will the next Federal Government protect the Williams River?’ at 6pm, Tuesday 17th August at Maitland Town Hall. Attendees will hear from candidates for the seat of Paterson on the dam issue.
Media Contact: Justin McKee 0404 824 020