
The need to dam a highly productive river is yet to be proven...


Williams Valley

A great place to live


Williams River at Tillegra

Vital to our community


Williams Valley

Area to be inundated if the dam goes ahead...


Williams Valley

Prime agricultural land



A tradition on this productive land...

dairy cows


A living community...

Community Involvement

River water

Vital for biodiversity


Williams River



Riverine forest

A rich ecosystem vital for biodiversity


A special environment...

Could you vote for a party that would destroy this?


Tillegra Bridge

A dead end road? We think not!


No Way!

The need to dam a highly productive river is yet to be proven...

No Way!

No more dams!

May 1st, 2013 by admin | Comments Off on No more dams!

The 6 1/2 years of campaigning by NTDG & SWR coalition has been justified at last. Remodelling and a proper assessment process has proven that no dams are needed for the Hunter. The declaration made by Minister Pearce of no dams in the Lower Hunter Water Plan was announced in the NSW Parliament on Tuesday 30 April 2013…

The  Hon. RICKCOLLESS:  My question  is  directed to the Minister for  Finance  and  Services.  Will he  update  the House  on  the  latest  progress  in  developing  the  Lower  Hunter Water Plan?

The  Hon.  GREG PEARCE:  The  Govemment  is  determined to create  a comprehensive,  robust,  cost-effective, whole-of-government  plan to  ensure  water security  for the  lower  Hunter region.  Development of the  plan is  being overseen  by  an  independent  panel  of water experts, with ongoing input  from  the  community.  This  week  I  am  very  pleased  to  be  able  to  announce  a  short  list  of supply  and  demand  options that will  be  further  investigaled  as  part of the  plan.  The  shortlisted  options  cover a  range  of  drinking  water  supply  and  demand  categories,  such  as stormwater  capture,  recycling,  demand  management,  water efficiency,  surface  watet  transfers,  groundwater,  and  emergency  desalination.

The  demand  forecast  for  the  region  is  a  key  part  of that  process,  and  it  has  been  revised.  The  most  recent  model shows  that  growth in  demand  is  lower than  previously  predicted  and  that  major augmentation  of supply  is  not needed  in  the  short  to  medium term.  However, modelling  also has  shown  that  while  the  existing  water  supply system  performs  well in  normal  conditions,  the  region  is  vulnerable  to  severe  drought.  The  options  shortlisted  for further  investigation  take  that  into  account and  have  been  selected  from  more  than  70  initial  concepts.  As the Government has  always  said,  the  Lower  Hunter Water Plan will look  at all options,  other than the  previously rejected  Tillegra  Dam.  We now  have  sufficient  information  from  the  modelling  work  done  to  date  and  the community  consultation  workshops  conducted  so  far  to  also rule  out the need  for  us  to  construct  a  new  dam  in the  region  as  part  of the  plan.

In  fact,  three  landholdings  that  Hunter Water had  earlier  acquired  for  the previous Government’s  proposal to build  Tillegra  Dam  already  have  been  placed on  the  market.  While the  shortlisted  options  are  all technically feasible,  that  does  not  mean  that  they  will  all  be  included  in  the  final  mix of  measures recommended  in  the plan. We need  to  compare  the  financial,  social and  environmental features  of each  option  to  identify  resilient combinations  that will meet  the  region’s  need  throughout  a  severe  drought  at the  least  cost to the  community. The  options  we are  considedng  taking  foward  include  programs  to  improve  water  efficiency  and  the  introduction of “Water  Wise Rules”,  as  used  successfully  in  Sydney and  the  Central Coast.  They  include  new  stormwater  and wastewater  recycling  opportunities and  potentially  new  groundwater  options.  There  is  also  the  potential to transfer  water from  nearby  areas  for  use  in  the  Hunter, if necessary.  Those  options  are  being investigated  in
close  consultation  with  the  appropriate  stakeholders.

As  stated  previously,  the  Government will  not  be  proceeding  with any proposals to  construct  new  dams in  the region.  The  Government  fully  understands  that  there  will be strong  community  interest  in  many  of those  options. We  are  committed  to  giving  the  community  every oppodunity  to  contribute  input.  That  is  why  we will be running  a series  of  community  engagement  workshops  over  the  next  week.  The  next series  of workshops  will be  the  third undertaken  since  work  on  the  plan  began  and  demonstrates  our continued  commitment to  community consultation.  I  urge  anyone who  is  interested  in  the  future  of  lower  Hunter  water supplies  to  participate  in  the workshops.  Infomation  about  the  shortlisted  options  are  also  on  the  Lower  Hunter  Water  Plan website wwtw.haveyousay.nsw.gov.au/lowehunterwaterplan. I  encourage  members  of the  community  to  take  advantage of this  great  opportunity  to  provide  input  and  have  their say  in  the  Lower  Hunter Water Plan’s  processes.