Faults and Landslips

Fault in river bed
Fault line cutting across Williams River

Another fault in river bed
Fault line running along the Williams River

Landslip June 2007
Landslip on the inside (river side) of the eastern ridge that occurred in June 2007.

Landslip June 2007
Landslip on the inside (river side) of the eastern ridge that occurred in June 2007.

Another landslip June 2007
Landslip on the inside (river side) of the eastern ridge that occurred in June 2007.

Another landslip June 2007
Landslip on the inside (river side) of the eastern ridge that occurred in June 2007.

Another landslip June 2007
Landslip on the inside (river side) of the eastern ridge that occurred in June 2007.

Another landslip May 2008
Landslip on the outside (Bandon Grove side) of the eastern ridge that occurred in May 2008

Another landslip May 2008
Landslip on the outside (Bandon Grove side) of the eastern ridge that occurred in May 2008

Another landslip May 2008
Landslip on the outside (Bandon Grove side) of the eastern ridge that occurred in May 2008